Home > Uncategorized > Incentives matter: Ferguson? Police abuse? SWAT teams? Roving gangs with forfeiture powers?

Incentives matter: Ferguson? Police abuse? SWAT teams? Roving gangs with forfeiture powers?

[dressed up from a Facebook post]

Incentives matter.

On top of ending the forfeiture powers that incentivize cops to heroically find crimes in order to confiscate assets, imagine if simply:

(1) we got rid of the Federal courts-created “doctrine” of “qualified immunity” under Federal law for cops (so cops would have to defend the reasonableness of actions that harm people and property);

(2) cops had to arrange, keep and pay for their own private liability insurance (NO municipal/county/state insurance or other citizen-backed “deep pocket” that means We The People are forever bailing out cops who are found to have wrongfully hurt someone); or

(3) the pension pool of the relevant police department were required to contribute 10-20% of all judgments/settlements related to police abuse claims (so cops and ex-cops would themselves have incentives to keep “bad apples” in check).

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