Environmental law resources
Apologies for the lack of clear organization. Maybe later, as time allows.
Book review of Stephen Breyer’s “BREAKING THE VICIOUS CIRCLE: TOWARD EFFECTIVE RISK REGULATION (1993): http://jolt.law.harvard.edu/articles/pdf/v08/08HarvJLTech241.pdf
Richard B. Stewart’s essay, “ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY”, New York University Law Review, May 2003: http://www.nyulawglobal.org/graduateaffairs/documents/StewartonAdLaw.pdf
Richard B. Stewart – A NEW GENERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION (attached at bottom as a .zip document)
Stewart is a professor of law at NYU law school, was formerly professor at Harvard law school, former chairman of the Environmental Defense Fund, and served as Assistant Attorney General for the environment and natural resource division in the Reagan administration.
Adam Babich, TOO MUCH SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 2003: http://www3.sckcen.be/pisa/aspx/viewer.aspx?dwnld=WestlawDocument1314292292.doc&widget=LNK&suffix=_RT_LEGAL_P3&rt=LEGAL_P3&i=C5868228-628C-4C72-B0DB-F0D87E56652E
Michael S. Greve, The Demise of Environmentalism in American Law (AEI 1996): http://books.google.com/books?id=t5W2wUNPYKsC&pg=PA132&lpg=PA132&dq=ackerman+stewart+reforming+environmental+law&source=web&ots=ZWkL6HFEzg&sig=fm_xAaNyFSWBOFqbl06u07E9mEo#PPA132,M1
Alfred A. Marcus, Donald A. Geffen, Ken Sexton, Reinventing Environmental Regulation: Lessons from Project XL, (Resources for the Future 2002): http://books.google.com/books?id=R3sQTzdinkoC&pg=PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=reform+stewart+%22a+new+generation+of+environmental+regulation%22&source=web&ots=lVeUJt4if2&sig=4La23fpjkHgqRmV8PVLoe7tFnA8#PPA3,M1
Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation, Kenneth J. Arrow, Maureen L. Cropper, George C. Eads, Robert W. Hahn, Lester B. Lave, Roger G. Noll, Paul R. Portney, Milton Russell, Richard L. Schmalensee, V. Kerry Smith, Robert N. Stavins (American Enterprise Institute 1996): http://www.aei-brookings.org/publications/abstract.php?pid=53
Daniel C. Esty, NEXT GENERATION ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: A RESPONSE TO RICHARD STEWART, 29 Cap. U.L. Rev. 183 (2001): http://www.environmentalgovernance.com/docs/esty_envirolaw.pdf
Daniel C. Esty, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN THE INFORMATION AGE, Draft July 2003: http://www.environmentalgovernance.com/docs/esty_envi_protection.pdf; http://library.nyenrode.nl/INSEAD/2001/2001-087.pdf (2001)
Mol A P J, 2006, “Environmental governance in the Information Age: the emergence of informational governance” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24(4) 497 – 514: http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=c0508j
Jonathan H. Adler, A New Environmental Federalism, Forum for Applied Research & Public Policy Vol. 13, 1998: http://www.endangeredlaws.org/newenvironmentalfederalism.htm
BENCHMARKING, PRECURSOR TO A NEW PARADIGM?, 89 Geo. L.J. 257 (2001): http://www.temple.edu/iilpp/EnvironmentalRoundtableResearchDocs/Karkkainen%20-%20Info%20as%20Envmtl%20Regulation.pdf
CARY COGLIANESE & DAVID LAZER, Management-Based Regulation: Using Private Management to Achieve Public Goals (Harvard 2004): http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=297162
Climate Policy in the State Laboratory: How States Influence Federal Regulation and the Implications for U.S. Policy, Andrew Aulisi, John Larsen, Jonathan Pershing, Paul Posner (World Resources Institute 2007): http://www.wri.org/publication/climate-policy-in-the-state-laboratory
Business sees green in going green, December 21, 2006: http://www.cnn.com/2006/BUSINESS/12/14/environment/index.html
WENDY WAGNER, When All Else Fails: Regulating Risky Products Through Tort Litigation,
694 THE GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL Vol. 95:693: http://www.georgetownlawjournal.com/issues/pdf/95-3/wagner.pdf
Innovative Markets, Mobilizing the energy of entrepreneurs: http://www.environmentaldefense.org/page.cfm?tagID=1475
The Green Entrepreneur’s Toolbox: 100 Networking Resources, Guides, and Links, Monday, August 27, 2007: http://www.businesscreditcards.com/bootstrapper/the-green-entrepreneurs-toolbox-100-networking-resources-guides-and-links/
Last, but not least, various Austrian and other economic perspectives:
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