Home > Uncategorized > Peter Boettke also comments on "how the strong bonds of friends, family and good neighbors help rebuild communities after disaster strikes"

Peter Boettke also comments on "how the strong bonds of friends, family and good neighbors help rebuild communities after disaster strikes"

I have blogged any number of times on the importance of communities, and on how governments and statist corporations are undermining them. Is anyone at LvMI paying attention to the importance of actually cultivating and supporting voluntary society (as opposed to simply fighting government) and anyone thinks that corporations are key players in statism?

On June 13, I noted that Interesting new research shows that THE key to disaster recovery is the strength of the local community (‘social capital’), NOT Government action . I referred to political scientist Daniel P. Aldrich.

In his short July 4 post, Friends and Neighbors Living in Caring Communities, Peter Boettke also shines a spotlight on the importance of informal society. Boettke refers to a July 4 piece at NPR, The Key To Disaster Survival? Friends And Neighbors, that refers prominently both to Daniel Aldrich and to Emily Chamlee-Wright and her extensive research on Katrina (which Boettke says is “fundamental for anyone hoping to understanding this issue”).

Another important and noted voice is Rebecca Solnit, whose writing I intend to cover more;

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