Home > Uncategorized > A government-fostered love of hatred: In which I rant to a buddy about some blind, stupid Left- and Islamofascist-hating neocon rant

A government-fostered love of hatred: In which I rant to a buddy about some blind, stupid Left- and Islamofascist-hating neocon rant

A buddy forwarded to me a link to a flash movie he’d received via a chain of forwarded emails headed “A Powerful, Must Watch Video”. 

I started taking a look at the flash movie, then paused and went to check out the host website: http://apathetic-usa.com/mission.

I then finished the flash movie (“The Radical Left’s War on America”, which the reader can find here), and sent back a note to my buddy. I don’t really rant much myself, but a little anger has its time and place, and I do get tired of all of the off-the-handle polarized, partisan BS that too many people are parading around with these days. 

Here’s my note (my pal’s name has been changed).

Frank, there are reasons to be upset, including at the deluded neocon, culture & religious warrior SOBs who made this and supported the Bush/Cheney agenda that ran us off the f’g rails so badly in so many ways that we got stupid, budget-busting Dems in Congress and then the White House. If the GOP itself was not a pack of thieves and had governed responsibly without making enormous profits off of enormous wars and bubbles, we’d never have Dems to keep doing what they think government should do – spend more money.
I’m looking for a good Lew Rockwell post to send you, but meanwhile this Carlin-Bill Hicks thing will have to serve.
Bottom line? Our blood-sucking elites love to peddle fear, to distract how they are ripping us off. This is a piece of that – “small government” neocons so concerned about our economy & liberties that they want to spend MORE trillions making Muslims around the world hate us, and turning us even more into a police state; demonizing Obama and the Left as the enemy within, all so they they can ignore their own responsibility for what went on they they cheered on whole-heartedly.
This is NOT a defense of Obama or Dems; their policies are generally wrong – but they don’t hate America more than the Right does, or have an agenda even slightly more nefarious.
Stop falling for this garbage, please.

Yes! I found the Lew Rockwell quotes I was looking for! I excerpted them an earlier post, relating to the banning of Ron Paul followers from the right-wing RedState site.

I note for the record a few of my other posts on our self-deceptive and tribal love of hatred.

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