Home > Uncategorized > The movie “Avatar” is an allegory for “property”, and for what is worth banding together with other people to defend

The movie “Avatar” is an allegory for “property”, and for what is worth banding together with other people to defend

What are YOUR thoughts on the movie “Avatar“? Is it just an enviro fantasy? Or is it an allegory for what is “property”, and what is worth banding together with other people to defend?

The struggle to protect community/common property that James Cameron addressed in Avatar is still very much underway; see this from recent news?

It differs only in degree from the role of governments and corporations in resource development and pollution in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, China, India, etc. etc.

“They want us to give up our traditions, work in the mines, and let them pollute our land. But we will give our lives to defend the land, because the end is the same for us either way.”


Here are two libertarian takes on Avatar, and on “property rights”:

Stephan Kinsellahttp://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/avatar-is-great-and-libertarian/

– Yours truly: http://tokyotom.freecapitalists.org/2009/12/22/envirofacist-avatar-comments-quot-avatar-quot-resources-property-rights-corporations-government-enabled-theft/. I think we need to rethink the roots of corporatism, and to attack them.

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